Wednesday, November 12, 2014

craft ideas for the hollidays

Idea #1 felt turkey
1:go to hobby lobby ( or any store in your area) and buy felt
2:cut out the felt in the shape of a turkey, pilgrims, or any thing that has to do with thanks giving ( if you want to you can use it for any other Holliday)
3: paint the felt in the Holliday colors you want
4:let the paint dry add stickers if you want and you have a Holliday decoration!

Idea #2 pilgrim men
1:buy craft sticks
2:chose the colors of paint you want
3:be careful and paint the craft sticks like pilgrim men
4: wait for them to dry and they are super fun to play with and are a good window sill decoration

I hope you enjoy my crafts. :):):):)


  1. I love though ideas those are so good

  2. I am totally going to teach my little siblings those, that is great!!!!!!

    Diamond Gabrielle

    1. Thanks you made me feel so awesome and appreciated.
      Love Abby, dance

  3. What a cool craft idea! I know how to make turkey's out of oreo cookies ;) I will have to try this with the kids!
